Special double issue – 50 years of Anti-Oedipus – vol. II “Schizoanalysis as a Multidisciplinary Practice and Theory”, Online, 28-30 November 2022

Edited by Jean-Sébastien Laberge


Gabriel Mart & Dmitrii Bochkov [Иннокентий Мартынов & Дмитрий Бочков].
Introduction – la schizoanalyse et nous 1-6
Introduction – Schizoanalysis and Us

Maria Luiza Cardinale Baptista.
Ritornelos caosmóticos. Cartografía de encuentos con Guattari y Deleuze 7-16
Ritornelos caosmóticos: Cartografia de encontros com Guattari e Deleuze

Dmitrii Bochkov [Дмитрий Бочков]. Les processus logique-libidinales d’intersubjectivité dans l’éducation des sourds : les enfants porteurs d’un implant cochléaire 17-26

Joff P. N. Bradley. À propos du “livre barjot” de L’Anti-OEdipe 27-33

Aragorn Eloff. Undoing the Present, Crystallising the Future: Psychedelic Schizoanalysis 34-56

Mikhail Fedorchenko [Михаил Федорченко]. Emancipatory Technics and Transindivudual Cybernetic Machines of Felix Guattari: Ecotechnopoiesis of Splicings 57-66

Chantelle Gray. On Generic Schizoanalysis: Reading Anti-OEdipus Alongside Laruelle’s Non-Standard Philosophy 67-84

Gabriel Mart [Иннокентий Мартынов].
Devenir-psychanalyste avec Guattari 85-90
Devenir-psicoanalista con Guattari (es)
Devenir-psicoanalista con Guattari (it)

Anne Querrien.
The Meeting of a Philosopher and a Political Activist Psychoanalyst Thanks to a Typewriter 91-103
La Rencontre d’un philosophe et d’un militant politique psychanalyste grâce à machine à écrire

Sergio Dario Ragonese. ¿Qué es y cómo se reconoce (a) un parano-analista? 104-113

Sergey Sokolovskiy [Сергей Соколовский]. The Legacy of Deleuze and Guattari in Sociocultural Anthropology 114-122

Aneliya Zemlyanskaya [Анелия Землянская]. Life After Death: the Concept of New Vitality in Schizoanalysis 123-130


→  Download special issue “5O years of Anti-Oedipus” – vol. II “Schizoanalysis as a Multidisciplinary Practice and Theory”   ←


ISSN 2421-3098

Licenza Creative Commons

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