10. Rhythm, chaos and nonpulsed man

Coedited by Obsolete Capitalism and Stefano Oliva


Stefano Oliva, Obsolete Capitalism
Introduzione 1-3
Introduction 1-3


Necessità/Concetti – Necessities/Concepts – Nécessités/Concepts – Necesidades/Conceptos

Daniela Angelucci, Rompere il ritmo. Kant e il ritornello 4-12

Sifir / Zafer Aracagök, Rhuthmos / Arithmos Deconsidered 13-28

Ronald Bogue
Music and Holey Space 29-42
Musica e spazio bucato 

Guillaume Collett, Nine Notes on the Refrain 43-57

Conor Heaney, Tragic Rhythms: Nietzsche and Agamben on Rhythm and Art 58-78

Henrique Rocha De Souza Lima, Difference as Rhythm and Thought as Subtractive Synthesis in Gilles Deleuze 79-94


Sintomatologie – Symptomatologies – Symptomatologies – Sintomatologías

Edmund Berger, Anti-History: Deleuze and Guattari’s Attack on Civilization 95-115

Paddy Farr, The Cry of the Body Without Organs: a Schizoanalysis of Ed Bland’s Critical Race Theory of Jazz 116-128

Felipe Kong, Lentitud y política. Notas sobre el ritmo de los itinerantes 129-139

Obsolete Capitalism, In the Beginning There Was Chaos and Rhythm 140-159


Occhi rossi – Red Eyes – Yeux Rouges – Ojos Rojos

Sara Baranzoni, Paolo Vignola, Rhythms of Locality. A Travel through Caribbean Performances and Literature 160-177

Bernd Herzogenrath, Ritmi In|umani 178-196

Claudio Kulesko, Don’t Fear the Reaper 197-209

Giuseppe Molica, L’avventura di un ritornello 210-222

Stefano Oliva, Music and Language? Deleuze, Guattari and Berio on Visage 223-231

Davide Tolfo, Nicola Zolin, Affetti, soggettività e ritornelli: l’impercettibile suono del Cosmo nel campo di battaglia acustico 232-250


Nuove armi – New Weapons – Nouvelles Armes – Nuevas Armas

Paulo De Assis, Musical Works as Assemblages 251-275

Edward Campbell, Guattari, consistency and the musical assemblage 276-290

Pascale Criton, Variables, process et degré zéro 291-309

Lucia D’Errico, Schumann’s Dichterliebe: From the problem of performance to the performance of the problem 310-324

Lorenzo Pagliei, Time, Music, Curvatures, Turbulences. A Contemporary Exploration of Musical Time 325-350


Regioni – Regions – Régions – Regiones

Iain Campbell, Deleuze and Guattari’s Semiorhythmology: A Sketch for a Rhythmic Theory of Signs 351-370

Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir, Stefan Östersjö, Participation and creation: towards an ecological understanding of musical creativity 371-385

Gregorio Tenti, Forma sonata. Deleuze, Ruyer e la musica del vivente 386-400


Anomalie – Anomalies – Anomalies – Anomalías

Sebastian Wiedemann, Olas: Un experimento en pensamiento-cine entre la catástrofe, el ritmo y la diferencia. Ritornelos y notas para una poética de la inmanencia 401-427

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